Container Seal

What is Container Seal?

Container seal is a security device used to secure containers. Container seals attach to the locking mechanism on the container and act as a barrier preventing the container from being opened. These seals play an important role in the shipping industry and can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Container Seal Types

Container seals are produced in different types for different purposes. The most common of these are as follows:

  1. Plastic Container Seals

Plastic container seals are a cheap and widely used type of seal. These seals are usually attached to the locking mechanism of the containers and once locked they cannot be opened. The biggest advantage of plastic seals is that they are light and easy to use.

  1. Metal Container Seals

Metal container seals provide a more secure sealing solution. These seals are made of hard materials and have a strong locking mechanism. Metal seals are often used to secure containers.

  1. High Security Container Seals

High security container seals provide a more secure sealing solution. These seals are specially designed and made of tough materials. There are many different types of these seals, but what they all have in common is that the container must be opened with a special key to increase its security.

How to Use Container Seal?

Container seals are important to the safety of containers. However, improper use of the seal can compromise the safety of the container. To use container seals correctly, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the locking mechanism of the container.
  2. Install the seal on the locking mechanism.
  3. Be sure to lock the seal tightly.
  4. Check the number or barcode on the seal.
  5. Record and keep the number or barcode.
  6. Move the container to a safe area.
  7. Check the seal constantly for the safety of the container.

Why Are Container Seals Important?

Container seals are of great importance in the shipping industry. Containers are important means of transport that must be protected against theft, as they contain valuable materials or products. Container seals are used to prevent the container from being opened and increase the security of the container.

In addition, container seals are produced with an international standard set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which sets international standards in transportation. These standards determine the important characteristics of container seals, such as quality and durability. Therefore, container seals play an important role in ensuring safety in the transportation industry.

How to Choose Container Seals?

When choosing container seals, it is important to consider several factors. These factors include:

  1. Security Level

Container seals come in different security levels. It is important to choose a seal with the appropriate security level based on the value of the materials being transported.

  1. Material

Container seals are produced from a variety of materials. You can choose from metal, plastic, steel and other materials. The material of the seal should be chosen according to the intended use and value of the materials.

  1. Dimension

Container seals vary in size. It is important to choose the right size seal to fit the container’s locking mechanism exactly.

  1. Numbering

Container seals are usually numbered. Numbering makes the seal easy to track and is important for security. It is important to choose a seal with a numbering.


Container seals play an important role in the shipping industry and are used to ensure safety in shipping operations. Container seals are produced in different types and specifications. Choosing the right seal helps ensure a security solution that is suitable for the materials being handled and their intended use. In addition, container seals must comply with the quality and durability criteria set by international standards.

Container seals assist in the safe transport of valuable materials and products at risk of theft and theft. Therefore, in shipping operations, choosing the right container seal is a critical factor in ensuring the safety of materials.

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